< Mobility | A Care For Every Child


  Immagini / Elaborati
1 Spanish delegation, Naples January, 27th – February, 1st 2013

Irregular attendance analysis of the phenomenon in the eighth Municipality. Illustration of the phenomenon in the Spanish education system: statistics, rules and lines of action. Discussion and finalization of the research model on signs predictive of early school leaving.

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2 Italian delegation, Albacete May, 1st-4th 2013

Analisys of the model of investigation for causal factors of irregular school attendance. Illustration of the intervention methodology of “Learning Community” applied in the school of “La Paz” in the neighborhood of La Milagrosa. Conference: “Contrast early school leaving. Early warning signs as tools for prevention and intervention plans in areas at high risk of social exclusion”

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3 Italian delegation, Albacete March, 5th – 7th 2014

Analisys and examination of sociological cause factors of early school leaving and lines of action of contrast in the fields of research of Regions 1 and 2

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4 Spanish delegation, final conference, Naples, June, 10th 2014

4th Mobility program, Meeting program – Partnership Comenius Regio


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